Application Process

Enrollment for the 2025/2026 School year is now open!

Applying is easy using our Online Application. This process simplifies submission and provides parents with a tool for tracking the status of their applications. A non-refundable fee of $100 must be submitted with each application. Click the 'Apply Now' button below to start your application today.

To begin the Online Application process, Create an Account and a New Student Application for your child. You will then have the flexibility to log in and out of your account and access your application.

After submitting the application, you will be able to track your admissions status at the school by logging in to your account.

If you would like to request admissions information, you can do so below:


Tuition Assistance

Tuition assistance awards are based on the family’s demonstrated need as determined by FACTS Management Company (FACTS). FACTS is a third party agency that makes financial needs assessments for Christian schools. FACTS uses information supplied by the applicant to assess need. Application can be made on-line by clicking 
HERE. Each award is made for one year only, based on availability of tuition assistance funds. Current families will be given priority consideration in the aid allocation process. The deadline for initial rewards is May 31st. Applications submitted after that date will be reviewed and awards will be based on the amount of assistance remaining. The tuition assistance award will not be more than 50%.


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