January 15, 2025
My last post focused on the Biblical importance placed on Biblical Worldview training for our children. I stated that we must teach our children to live in the World by living in the Word. We must immerse our kids in the Word because God commanded it (Deuteronomy 6:6-8) and secondly, we must know that the attacks are coming. Satan is coming for our children, and we must prepare them for that certainty. 1 Peter 5:8 says, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” The Bible tells us that this threat is real. I watch videos from time to time of African lions attacking a herd. Lions rarely attempt to take down the biggest, fastest, and strongest. Instead, lions focus on the weak, the small, and the most vulnerable. If lions use this strategy, you can be assured that Satan uses it as well. We cannot be naive, Satan wants to destroy our lives, our families, and our children. He wants to destroy everything that is good, everything that God gives us. We cannot assume our children will be okay and that they will figure it out. That would be like the mother wildebeest abandoning their calf and hoping to see them again when they are grown! Satan has created all kinds of ambush points to lie and wait for our children. He attacks at every corner, at every turn. He seeks to make our children’s worldview be one that lines up with his ways and his desires. He wants our children to see the World through his distorted lens instead of the lens of God’s Holy Word. Here is a perfectly simple example of how Satan works. What do you think of when you think of a rainbow? If you have a Biblical Worldview, a rainbow brings thoughts to mind of Noah, The Ark, God’s promises, God’s salvation, and God’s provision for His people. If you have a Satan designed worldview you will have thoughts of sexual perversion. Satan takes something beautiful, that God designed, and attempts to transform it into something that is the opposite of God’s purpose for people. Do not think it a coincidence that rainbow flags are paraded around the country and hung in schools. Satan wants to destroy the Biblical Worldview of our children and make them see things from his perspective. We can only counteract these attacks by being “sober and vigilant” in making sure our families are rooted in the Word of God. Our children’s lens needs to be designed by God, not the enemy. In today’s World, it takes the constant living in the Word to fight off the attacks. Pastor Brian and I were just talking about water buffalo in this context. They have the best defense against the attacks of lions. They work together to ensure their calves are protected from the lions by encircling them and fighting off the attackers. That is what we must do with our loved ones, encircle them with the Word of God continuously and never leave them to wander the World on their own. It is up to us to ensure our children are safe and protected and that they will be able to live their lives in a way that Glorifies God. For His Glory, Dr. Jim Flora